12 Months for Christmas – Christmas #1 Sept. Oct.

two christmas ornaments embroidered with bow and tassle for months of September and oof October in green and lilac and brown and red

These little Christmas ornaments are part of a 12-part series dedicated to the months of the year.

Fabric 7.5x7.5 in (20x20cm) Etruria 35 ct Ecru linen from Sotema
Threads hand-dyed twelve-stranded silk threads Silk'n'Colors by The Thread Gatherer: Dung Paper SNC 317, Portiere Green SNC 345, Blueberry Pie SNC 351 (for September); Camouflage SNC 055, Bohemian Tryst SNC 271, Maple Syrup SNC 364 (for October)
Stitches Cross stitch, Backstitch